Event Listeners

An expression in the on* attribute resolves to event listener set by the host.addEventListener(eventType, callback, options) with the part of the attribute after on prefix as an event type (exact characters) and options set to false. A function returned by the expression is called in an event listener callback.

function send(host, event) {

  // do something with value property
  sendData('api.com/create', { value: host.value });

const MyElement = {
  value: 42,
  render: () => html`
    <form onsubmit="${send}">

The first argument of the callback function is the custom element instance (event target element is available at event.target). Access to the element in the render function is not required, so callback can be defined as a pure function.


You can pass custom options to addEventListener API by defining options property of the function.

It can be boolean value (it defaults to false):

function onClick(host) {
  // do something
onClick.options = true; // capture mode

  <div onclick="${onClick}">

it can be an object:

function onScroll(host) {
  // do something
onScroll.options = { passive: true }; // an object with characteristics

  <div class="container" onscroll="${onScroll}">

Read MDN documentation for all available values of the options argument.

Form Elements

The template may contain built-in form elements or custom elements with a value, which should be bound to one of the properties of the host.

You can create callback manually for updating the host property value:

function updateName(host, event) {
  host.name = event.target.value;

const MyElement = {
  name: '',
  render: ({ name }) => html`
    <input type="text" defaultValue="${name}" oninput="${updateName}" />

Using the above pattern may become verbose if your template contains many values to bind. The engine provides html.set() helper method, which generates callback function for setting host property from value of the element, or set store model property value.

Property Name

html.set(propertyName: string, value?: any): Function
  • arguments:

    • propertyName - a target host property name

    • value - a custom value, which will be set instead of event.target.value

  • returns:

    • a callback function compatible with template engine event listener

The html.set() supports unique behavior of the form elements. For <input type="radio"> and <input type="checkbox"> the value is related to its checked value. For <input type="file"> the event.target.files is used instead of the event.target.value.

const MyElement = {
  option: false,
  date: null,
  render: ({ option, date }) => html`
    <input type="checkbox" checked="${option}" onchange="${html.set('option')}" />

    <!-- updates "host.date" with "value" property from the element -->
    <my-date-picker value="${date}" onchange="${html.set('date')}"></my-date-picker>

Custom Value

You can overwrite the default behavior and pass a custom value as a second parameter (event.target.value is not used):

const MyElement = {
  items: [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2}],
  selected: null,
  render: ({ items }) => html`
      ${items.map(item => html`
          <span>value: ${item.value}</span>
          <button onclick="${html.set('selected', item)}">select item!</button>

In the above example, when a user clicks on the item button, the selected property is set to item from the loop.

Store Model

html.set(model: object, propertyPath: string | null): Function
  • arguments:

    • model - a store model instance

    • propertyPath

      • a string path to the property of the model, usually a single name, like "firstName"; for nested property use dot notation, for example "address.street"

      • use null for model deletion, like html.set(user, null)

  • returns:

    • a callback function compatible with template engine event listener

import { store } from "hybrids";
import User from "./models.js";

const MyElement = {
  user: store(User, { id: "userId", draft: true }),
  render: ({ user }) => html`
      oninput="${html.set(user, "firstName")}"
      oninput="${html.set(user, "address.street")}"


    <button onclick="${html.set(user, null)}">Delete user</button>

Last updated

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