
To define custom element use define function. It takes a tag name and plain object with property descriptors, or an object with a map of definitions.

To simplify using external custom elements with those created by the library, you can pass constructor instead of a plain object. Then define works exactly the same as the customElements.define() method.

Single Element

import { define } from 'hybrids';

const MyElement = {

// Define one element with explicit tag name
define('my-element', MyElement);
define(tagName: string | null, descriptorsOrConstructor: Object | Function): Wrapper
  • arguments:

    • tagName - a custom element tag name or null,

    • descriptorsOrConstructor - an object with a map of hybrid property descriptors or a constructor

  • returns:

    • Wrapper - custom element constructor (extends HTMLElement)

If the tagName is set to null, the define function only generates a class constructor without registering it in the global custom elements registry. This mode might be helpful for creating a custom element for external usage without dependency on tag name, and where the hybrids library is not used directly.

// in the package
const MyElement = { ... };
export default define(null, MyElement);

// in the client
import { MyElement } from "components-library";
customElements.define("my-super-element", MyElement);

Map of Elements

import { define } from 'hybrids';
import { MyElement, OtherElement } from 'some-elements';

// Define one or more elements
define({ MyElement, OtherElement, ... });
define({ tagName: descriptorsOrConstructor, ... }): { tagName: Wrapper, ... }
  • arguments:

    • tagName - a custom element tag name in pascal case or camel case,

    • descriptorsOrConstructor - an object with a map of hybrid property descriptors or constructor

  • returns:

    • { tagName: Wrapper, ...} - a map of custom element constructors (extends HTMLElement)

Last updated