
Update function provides a helper method for resolving dependencies dynamically in templates, which use other custom elements. It uses define function from the library, so its API is similar to described in the Definition section. However, to properly work with templates it returns template update function, rather than a constructor or a map of constructors.

Resolving dependencies avoids defining not required elements and allows creating a tree-like dependency structure. A complex structure may require only one explicit definition at the root level. As the library factories decouple tag name from the definition, elements can have custom names.

html`...`.define(map: Object): Function
  • arguments:

    • map - object with hybrids definitions or custom element's constructors

  • returns:

    • update function compatible with content expression

import UiHeader from './UiHeader';

const UiCard = {
  withHeader: false,

  render: ({ withHeader }) => html`
      ${withHeader && html`
      `.define({ UiHeader })}

In the above example, the customer of the UiCard element does not have to define UiHeader explicitly. It is defined inside of the rendering process, and only if withHeader resolves to true.

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