
import { store } from "hybrids";

You can access the store by the store factory and two direct methods: store.get() and store.set().

Usually, all you need is a factory, which covers most of the cases. Direct access might be required for more advanced structures. For example, it is straightforward to create a paginated view with a list of data with the factory. Still, for infinite scroll behavior, you should display data from all of the pages, so you have to call store.get() directly inside of the property getter.

Direct Methods

The store factory uses direct methods internally. Because of that, it is important to understand how they work. The most important are the following three ground rules:

  • store.get() always returns the current state of the model instance synchronously

  • store.set() always updates model instance asynchronously using Promise API

  • store.get() and store.set() always return an object (model instance, placeholder or promise instance)

Those unique principals unify access to async and sync sources. From the user perspective, it is irrelevant what kind of data source has the model. The store provides a placeholder type, which is returned if there is no previous value of the model instance (the model instance is not found, it is in pending state, or an error was returned). The placeholder protects access to its properties, so you won't use it by mistake (the guards help using the current state of the model instance properly).


store.get(Model: object, id?: string | object) : Model;
  • arguments:

    • Model - a model definition

    • id - a string or an object representing identifier of the model instance

  • returns:

    • Model instance or model instance placeholder

The store.get method always returns an object - model instance or a model placeholder. If the model source is synchronous (memory-based or external sync source, like localStorage), the get method immediately returns an instance. Otherwise, depending on the cached value and validation, the placeholder might be returned instead. When the promise resolves, the next call to the store returns an instance. The cache mechanism takes care to notify the component that data has changed (if you need to use this method outside of the component definition, you can use store.pending() guard to access the returned promise).

const GlobalState = {
  count: 0,

function incCount(host) {
  store.set(GlobalState, { count: host.count + 1 });

const MyElement = {
  count: () => store.get(GlobalState).count,
  render: ({ count }) => html`
    <button onclick=${incCount}>${count}</button>

The above example uses a singleton memory-based model, so the data is available instantly. The count property can be returned directly inside of the host property definition. Even the count property of the host does not rely on other properties, the render property will be notified when the current value of the GlobalState changes (keep in mind that this approach creates a global state object, which is shared between all of the component instances).


The store.set() method can create a new instance or update an existing model. According to the mode, the first argument should be a model definition or a model instance.

The set method always return a promise regardless of the type of data source. The model values are updated within the next microtask. However, the current state of the model instance will be updated instantly. After calling the set method the store.pending() guard will return a truthy value, up to when the promise is resolved.


store.set(Model: object, values: object) : Promise<Model>;
  • arguments:

    • Model - a model definition

    • values - an object with partial values of the model instance

  • returns:

    • A promise, which resolves with the model instance

const Settings = {
  color: "white",
  mode: "lite",

// Updates only the `mode` property
store.set(Settings, { mode: "full" }).then(settings => {
  console.log(settings); // logs { color: "white", mode: "full", ... }

The singleton model has only one model instance, so it is irrelevant if you call store.set method by the model definition, or the model instance - the effect will be the same. For example, in the above code snippet, Settings can have a previous state, but setting new value by the model definition updates the already existing model instance.


store.set(modelInstance: Model, values: object | null): Promise<Model>;
  • arguments:

    • modelInstance - a model instance

    • values - an object with partial values of the model instance or null for deleting the model

  • returns:

    • A promise, which resolves to the model instance or placeholder (for model deletion)

The only valid argument for values besides an object instance is a null pointer. It should be used to delete the model instance. However, as the last ground principle states, the store always returns an object. If the model instance does not exist, the placeholder is returned in the error state (with an error attached).

function handleDeleteUser(host) {
  const { someUser } = host;

  store.set(someUser, null).then(someUser => {
    // someUser is now a placeholder with an error attached
    console.log(store.error(someError)); // Logs an error "Not Found ..."

Partial Values

The store.set supports partial values to update the model only with subset of values. If you use nested object structures, you can update them partially as well:

store.set(myUser, { address: { street: "New Street" }});

The above action will update only the myUser.address.street value leaving the rest properties untouched (they will be copied from the last state of the model).


The factory defines a property descriptor connected to the store depending on the model definition configuration.

store(Model: object, options?: id | { id?: string | (host) => any, draft?: boolean }): object
  • arguments:

    • Model - a model definition

    • options - an object with the following properties or the shorter syntax with the below id field value

      • id - a host property name, or a function returning the identifier using the host

      • draft - a boolean switch for the draft mode, where the property returns a copy of the model instance for the form manipulation

  • returns:

    • a hybrid property descriptor, which resolves to a store model instance


If the model definition storage supports set action, the defined property will be writable using the store.set() method internally. However, direct usage of the method is not required. Instead, use the assertion.

function setDarkTheme(host, event) {
  // updates `admin` property of the user model instance by the assertion
  host.user = { admin: true };

const MyElement = {
  userId: "1",
  user: store(User, { id: "userId" }),
  render: ({ user }) => html`
    <button onclick="${setAdminRights}">Set admin rights</button>


If the model definition is a singleton, the id field is not required, so you can define property without options.

import { Settings } from "./models.js";

const MyElement = {
  settings: store(Settings),
  color: ({ settings }) => settings.darkTheme ? "white" : "black",


For the enumerable model definition, the id must be set (except the draft mode), either by the property name or a function.

import { User, SearchResult }  from "./models.js";

const MyElement = {
  // Id from the host property (can be changed)
  userId: "1",
  user: store(User, "userId"), // using shorter syntax, equals to { id: "userId" }

  // Id from the host properties
  order: "asc",
  query: "",
  searchResult: store(SearchResult, ({ order, query }) => {
    return { order, query };


The significant difference between using store.get() method directly and the factory for enumerable models is a unique behavior implemented for returning the last resolved value when identifier has changed. The get method always returns the data according to the current state of the model. However, The factory caches the last value of the property, so when the id changes, the property still returns the previous state until the next instance is ready.

import { User } from "./models.js";

function setNextPage(host) { += 1;

const MyElement = {
  page: 1,
  userList: store([User], "page"),
  render: ({ userList, page }) => html`
      ul.pending { opacity: 0.5 }

    <ul class="${{ pending: store.pending(userList) }}">
      ${store.ready(userList) && => html`
        <li>${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}</li>

    <button onclick=${setNextPage}>Go to: ${page + 1}</button>

In above example when the page changes, the userList property still returns the last page with the pending state from the next instance. Because of that, you can avoid a situation when the user sees an empty screen with loading indicator - the old data are displayed until the new page is ready to be displayed. However, you have an option to hide data immediately - use store.pending() guard for it.

Draft Mode

The draft mode provides a copy of the model instance or a new one with default values. The model definition used in draft mode is a memory-based version of the given model definition. The instance is deleted from the memory when component disconnects.

This mode can be especially useful when working with forms. If you want to use store to keep form values, which also supports validation, use draft mode. When all of the changes are finished, use the store.submit(draft) method to create or update the primary model instance.

store.submit(model: Model): Promise<Model>
  • arguments:

    • Model - an instance of the draft model definition

  • returns:

    • a promise resolving with the primary model instance

The store.submit() method takes values from the draft and creates or updates primary model instance.

import { User } from "./models.js";

function submit(host, event) {

  // Creates a real `User` model instance
  store.submit(host.user).then(() => {
    // Clears values in the form
    host.user = null;

const CreateUserForm = {
  user: store(User, { draft: true }),
  render: ({ user }) => html`
    <form onsubmit="${submit}">
      <div class="${ error: store.error(user, "firstName") }">
        <input defaultValue="${user.firstName}" oninput="${html.set(user, "firstName")}">

      <div class="${ error: store.error(user, "lastName") }">
        <input defaultValue="${user.lastName}" oninput="${html.set(user, "lastName")}">

Combine store.value() in the definition for validation, and the html.set(model, propertyPath) helper from the template engine to update values without custom side effects (read more about the html.set for the store in the Event Listeners section of the template engine documentation).

const MyInput = {
  model: null,
  name: "",
  error: ({ model }) => store.error(model, name),
  render: ({ model, name }) => html`
    <div class="${ hasError: error }">
      <input defaultValue="${model[name]}" oninput="${html.set(model, name)}" />
      ${error && html`<p class="error-message">${error}</p>`}

const MyUserForm = {
  userId: "",
  user: store(User, { id: "userId", draft: true }),
  render: ({ user }) => html`
    <my-input model="${user}" name="firstName"></my-input>
    <my-input model="${user}" name="lastName"></my-input>

    <button onclick="${submit}>Save changes</button>
  `.define({ MyInput }),


The store provides three guard methods, which indicate the current state of the model instance. The returning value of those methods can be used for conditional rendering in the template. The pending and error also return additional information. The returning values are not exclusive, so there are situations when more than one of guard returns a truthy value.


store.ready(model: Model): boolean
  • arguments:

    • model - a model instance

  • returns:

    • true for a valid model instance, false otherwise

The ready guard protects access to the models for async storage before they are fetched for the first time. You can also use it with sync storage, but if you are aware of the connection type, you can omit the guard.

The guard returns true only for a valid model instance. If the model has changed, the previous state of the model is not valid anymore, so for that object, it will return false.

When the model instance is going to be updated (by setting a new value, or by cache invalidation), the store returns the last valid state of the model until a new version is ready. In that situation store.ready() still returns true. It is up to you if you want to display a dirty state or not by combining ready and pending guards. It works the same if the update fails (then store.error() will be truthy as well). In simple words, the store.ready() always return true if the model was resolved at least once.

import { User } from "./models.js";

const MyElement = {
  userId: "1",
  user: store(User),
  render: ({ user }) => html`
    ${store.ready(user) && html`
      <p>${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}</p>

    ${store.ready(user) && !store.pending(user) && html`
      <p>Hide this message when new user is fetched</p>


store.pending(model: Model): boolean | Promise
  • arguments:

    • model - a model instance

  • returns:

    • In pending state a promise instance resolving with the next model value, false otherwise

The pending guard returns a promise when a model instance is fetched from async storages, or when the instance is set (store.set() method always use Promise API). If the model instance is returned (it is in a stable state), the guard returns false.

Both pending and ready guards can be truthy if the already resolved model instance updates.


store.error(model: Model, propertyName?: string): boolean | Error | any
  • arguments:

    • model - a model instance

    • propertyName - a property name of the failed validation defined with store.value() method

  • returns:

    • An error instance or whatever has been thrown or false. When propertyName is set, it returns err.errors[propertyName] or false

The error guard returns the value, which was thrown in the storage actions, usually an Error instance.

Errors from Validation

The error guard can be used for access to the validation errors of the property defined with the store.value() (look at the example in the Draft Mode section).

const User = {
  id: true,
  name: store.value("", /^[a-z]+$/),

const MyElement = {
  user: store(User, { draft: true }),
  render: ({ user }) => html`
    <input value="${}" oninput="${html.set(user, "name")} />
    <div class="errors">
      ${store.error(user, "name")}

Last updated

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